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BrigadeQM Morale Patch: Secret Squirrel

SKU : BQP11100 UPC : 014421091509 CRC : 3390837

Secret Squirrel  - If you don't know the term, maybe you shouldn't have the patch! “Secret Squirrel” is a military nickname used for operatives who are on classified missions and are not allowed (because of classification) to disclose their service, their status, or their mission. Secret Squirrels may be clandestine operators. They may be officials who have access to more classified intel than the average person. The term may describe classified documents, codes, programs, or policies. Most in the military have heard of OPSEC. How about COMSEC? EMSEC? COMPUSEC? Every branch of the military use these terms, and it means: SECURITY. OPSEC- Operations security, communications security, emissions security, and computer security and so on.


Secret Squirrel - If you don't know the term, maybe you shouldn't have the patch! “Secret Squirrel” is a military nickname used for operatives who are on classified missions and are not allowed (because of classification) to disclose their service, their status, or their mission. Secret Squirrels may be clandestine operators. They may be officials who have access to more classified intel than the average person. The term may describe classified documents, codes, programs, or policies. Most in the military have heard of OPSEC. How about COMSEC? EMSEC? COMPUSEC? Every branch of the military use these terms, and it means: SECURITY. OPSEC- Operations security, communications security, emissions security, and computer security and so on.



  • Hook & Loop sewn on the back
  • Size: 3.25" x 2.8"

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